Ombud for Equal Treatment
Who can turn to us for adivce on discrimination and what can we do to help you? These questions are answered under this section of our website. Check out our free of charge folders and contact us if you need help.
Who can turn to us for help?
Do you feel discriminated against in employment and occupation on the grounds of...
- your sex
- your ethnicity/race
- your religion or belief
- your age
- your sexual orientation?
Do you feel discriminated against in other areas of life because of ...
- ... your ethnicity/race?
- ... your sex?
Do you feel you are a victim of harassment or sexual harassment?
You can receive our help if you feel discriminated against based on any of these forms of discrimination.
The Ombud for Equal Treatment is on hand to provide you with the advice, support and information you need.
All consultation is free and completely confidential. Contact us to arrange an appointment for individual consultation.
What can we do for you?
We provide advice, support and information on equality issues
- in employment and occupation
related to sex, ethnicity/race, religion or belief, age and sexual orientation. Work situations where equal treatment is particularly relevant include: engagement, termination of employment, remuneration, promotion, training and (sexual) harassment ... - in other areas of life
with regard to a person´s ethnicity/race in the following areas: public goods and services, education, social protection, social advantages with regard to a person´s sex in the area of public goods and services
We can represent and accompany you at preliminary negotiations prior to legal proceedings.
We can take your case to the Equal Treatment Commission and provide support throughout.
We are always happy to accept invitations to take part in relevant events, lectures and panel discussions.