Tasks of the Ombud for Equal Treatment

What are the taks of an euality body and what are our areas of work? These questions are answered under this section of our website. Check out our free of charge folders and contact us if you need help.

Area of Competences

  • Equal treatment and equality between women and men in employment and occupation
  • Equal treatment irrespective of ethnicity or race, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation in employment and occupation
  • Equal treatment irrespective of sex, ethnicity or race in other areas

The Ombud for Equal Treatment has the following tasks:

  • to provide advice, information and support to persons affected
  • to obtain comments and information from the employer’s side
  • to negotiate out-of-court settlement
  • to initiate proceedings before the Equal Treatment Commission on request of the person discriminated against
  • to prepare comments and recommendations on specific equal treatment issues
  • to provide information and to exchange experience in the framework of workshops, lectures, training programmes, panel discussions, etc.

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